Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Narrative Poem With A Rhyme Scheme

Something to do

Oh what to do, what to do
sitting here with nothing to do
should I do my homework?
naa today I'll be a jerk

Maybe I should play a game
Yea, now I have someone to blame
My friends and brother, who shall play with me
I'll blame my lack of homework on them, yea they're the key

Well my eyes hurt from playing so much
Time to talk to my friends, and keep in touch
Oh god, there's no one to talk to
Gotta find something else to do

It's late night, and I'm very sleepy
The lights shut, my room looks so creepy
I can't sleep now that I'm scared
Well too bad, because nobody cares

Oh what to do, what to do
Staring at the ceiling, with nothing to do

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Poem On An Important Incident

It's coming
You don't know it
but it's coming

a girl screams
"look a big wave"
she gets ignored

it's coming
no one cares
but it's coming

the giant waves
heading towards the shore
it looks slow far away
but wait till you come face to face

faster than ever
towering over everyone
towering over everything

it's here
it's not over
but it's here

woosh, splash, thump
the flood
the waves
everyone and everything
unable to breathe
mostly dead

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Poetry Response to The Scream

The Scream

Crossing the bridge
Looking up at the blue sky
Nothing but the sound of silence
And footsteps passing behind
Look out into the water
And enjoy nature
Look up at the sky
Suddenly turning red
What just happened?
The silence is no longer silent
Listen to that sound
The sound of the scream
Clearly not coming from you
Not coming from him
Not coming from her
Not coming from them
Hear the sound of the wind
Hear the sound of nature
The scream passing by your ear
So loud that you can't handle
What just happened?

What is Poetry?

What is Poetry?

Poetry is a craft of word and sense
Of ornaments and decorations strung together
Hang it on a tree
And create an amazing work of art
A finely sewn piece of silk
So perfect it's shinier than diamond
It softly mocks the world
Using bits of thoughts, ideas, feelings, and life
All strung together
To express who you are

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Response to Poem Read in Class

What is Poetry? by Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Poetry is news
from the frontiers
of consciousness

Poetry is
the shook foil of the imagination
It should shine out
and half blind you

Poetry is the anarchy of the senses
making sense

A poem can be made
of common household ingredients
It fits on a single page
yet it can fill a world
and fits in the pocket of a heart

It is a pulsing fragment
of the inner life
and unthethered music

Poetry is perpetual revolt
againts silence exile and cunning

The poet a subversive barbarian
at the city gates
constantly challenging
our status quo

Poetry is religion
Religion is poetry

A poem is its own Coney Island of
the mind
its own circus of the soul
its own Far Rockaway of the heart

What is poetry? Ferlinghetty is saying that its what goes on and happens in your mind. Its your imagination, that you might not even know about before. There are no rules when it comes to poetry, and can be created by just little things that surround you. Once you start, its hard to stop. Once you start, the silence is no longer silent. It's a way of letting others know. Speak your mind. Look into your heart.

I agree with him about what poetry is. The writer can go wild, or be sophisticated. It's all up to the writer. Nothing and no one can control you when you're writing poetry.

Analyzing A Painting

The Scream By Edvard Much
This painting wasn't drawn by who I originally thought it was drawn by so I guess i knew less about it than I thought I did.
What I do know is that the original name for this painting was in German and it translated to The Scream of Nature. The landscape in the back is actually Oslofjord, a bay south east of Norway. This however was viewed from Ekeberg, which is a neighborhood in Oslo. Every time I visit my cousin, I'd always see Oslofjord, and it's very beautiful. However I've only seen it from the actual location that the artist did once.

In this painting, it looks like it just past sunset, and the sky turned red, orange. The guy in the front, represents the painter, and he's just looking at nature, feeling amazed by it. Looking at his face, he looks shocked because of nature, and the red sky. He felt the scream of nature, like the original name of this painting. The sky suddenly turning red, walking across a bridge, looking at the Olsofjord.The person in this painting/the artist, is covering his ear. Maybe he's trying to block out the loud sound, possibly terrifying or maybe not. The sound isn't coming from him. His mouth might be opened but it's more like of an "OMG what's that sound" not a scream. I find it really cool, when I visited this place, the sky was actually literally red, which is really interesting.